Book a Lesson

  1. Select on the Course you wish to learn or book a lesson on Available Courses tab

2.   After that, you can select a Tutor based on your preferences. You can also sort by using filters and search using search box provided.

3. Once you have selected the Tutor, click on the Book Now button if you wish to book a lesson for that Tutor. You can also click on the Message button if you wish to send Tutor a message

4. After clicking on the Book button, you can now view the list of schedules of the Tutor, overview of Tutor profile, ratings and feedback.

5. Next, select a schedule based on your own personal preferences by clicking on the Time Available that displayed in the calendar.

There are 2 types of Booking:
Paid Bookings are bookings/lessons that have payment to be made.
Trial Bookings are bookings/lessons that are FREE of charge. No payment to be made. This is for Trial or Demo purposes.

6. After selecting Tutor Schedule you wish to book, you may notice on the bottom part that displays Schedule Summary. You have 2 options, either you want to Add in Cart first so that you can browse other courses for additional booking or Proceed to Checkout

7. To view your cart, just Click the Cart icon on upper right corner of the page. This count badges also determines if your cart has some items on it or not.

If your cart, does not contain any items, it will look like this:

If your cart, contains some items, it will also look like this:

7. In this booking, you can also select multiple tutors, schedules and course in one checkout. And gives you summary of the booking details before you proceed to payment.

8. If you like to proceed payment, just click the Checkout button on the right side of the page in Booking Details

9. For the checkout, you can proceed to the next step about guides on how to pay bookings/lessons.